This blog is dedicated to every person who has nightmares involving the question "What's for Dinner?"

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cut-up Chicken

I think that whole chickens are probably the cheapest and most versatile meat out there. When Ernie and I were first married I would buy a whole chicken, on sale for $.69 a pound (cheapest I can get it for now is $.89/lb) and roast it, guaranteeing leftover meat for chicken enchiladas or chicken pot pie or chicken salad for the rest of the week. Multiple meals for less than $5.00. Our family is significantly bigger and nowadays one chicken = one meal with very little leftovers, but I am still a huge fan of whole chickens for other meals.

Yesterday I noticed that cut-up chicken pieces were on sale, so I went over to Wal-Mart and had them price match. Here’s what I got:

5.5 lbs split chicken breasts for $.98/lb

4.5 lbs chicken thighs for $.89/lb

5.5 lbs drumsticks for $.89/lb

Total spent: $13.85

So, out of all that meat (which totals 15.5 lbs of meat) I have divided it up, with 3 drumsticks in each freezer bag to make my older kids happy. I am sick today so I took 2.5 lbs off the top and boiled it for chicken and dumplings to have tonight, because that’s what sounded good to me. I broke the rest of the meat into 4 additional freezer bags. They ranged in weight from 2.5 to 3 lbs. I left two bags of chicken unseasoned. With the other two I added one cup of Italian dressing to one bag and 1/2 cup of teriyaki marinade to the other. Those seasoned bags with marinate in the freezer and I will probably grill up that chicken in the next couple of weeks.

5 meals for $13.85 makes me happy! That equals to $2.77 per meal and appx. $.46 per serving.

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